Reduction in Visa Processing Time for Pakistanis by Canada

Reduction in Visa Processing Time for Pakistanis by Canada

Reduction in Visa Processing Time for Pakistanis by Canada: Canada’s Minister of Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship, Sean Fraser, has announced that the processing time for temporary resident visas (TRVs) for Pakistani applicants has been reduced from 802 days to 60 days, with the possibility of a further reduction to 30 days in the near future.

The Minister noted on Twitter that the reason Canada’s official website displays 802 days is that they are still processing older applications that were submitted during travel restrictions imposed due to the coronavirus.

He disclosed that the accumulation of Pakistani TRV applications has been significantly reduced from 55,000 to just 15,000. In addition, Fraser disclosed that the Canadian government intends to establish a new processing center in Islamabad in order to increase processing and interviewing capacity in the Indo-Pacific region.

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Canada will Expedite visa process for Businessmen

Leslie Scanlon, high commissioner of Canada to Pakistan, informed Syed Naveed Qamar, minister of commerce, that the Canadian government is working to expedite the visa procedure for the Pakistani business community.

The envoy met with the Minister of Commerce to discuss methods to strengthen bilateral trade relations.
The Minister praised the upcoming Canadian General Preferential Tariff (GPT+) program for developing countries and expressed optimism that this program will be advantageous for Pakistan, particularly for its newly proposed industries such as apparel and footwear.

Benefits of Reduction in Visa Processing Time for Pakistanis by Canada

  • Increased Opportunity Access: Pakistanis can access opportunities in Canada, such as tourism, education, employment, and immigration, more quickly and with less ambiguity if visa processing is expedited.
  • Enhanced Planning Adaptability: Individuals can plan their travels, academic endeavors, and employment opportunities with greater precision and less anxiety when processing times are sped up.
  • Reunion of Families A faster visa processing time can result in shorter separation periods for families, thereby fostering stronger familial bonds and reducing emotional tension.
  • Educative Pursuits: Students from Pakistan who desire to study in Canada are able to enroll in educational institutions without lengthy waiting periods, allowing them to begin their studies promptly.
  • Employment Possibilities: Professionals and skilled workers from Pakistan pursuing employment in Canada can start their jobs sooner, contributing to the Canadian workforce and economy more promptly.
  • Economic Advantages: Visa processing that is expedited can attract Pakistani talent, entrepreneurs, and investors to Canada, resulting in economic growth, innovation, and job creation.
  • Research and Development: Pakistani researchers, scientists, and academics can collaborate with their Canadian counterparts more effectively, fostering advancements in multiple disciplines and promoting the exchange of knowledge.
  • Cultural Interaction: The expedited issuance of visas encourages artistic, cultural, and intellectual collaborations between the two nations by fostering cultural exchange.
  • The tourism industry: Pakistani visitors to Canada can explore the country with greater ease, contributing to Canada’s tourism industry and experiencing its cultural and natural attractions.


A reduction in visa processing time for Pakistanis by Canada entails substantial benefits for both individuals and the bilateral relationship between the two countries. For individuals, expedited visa processing means greater access to a variety of opportunities in Canada, such as tourism, education, employment, and immigration. It increases planning flexibility, decreases waiting times, and facilitates family reunification.

Students can begin their academic careers expeditiously, professionals can contribute to the Canadian workforce sooner, and entrepreneurs and investors can investigate business opportunities without superfluous delays. This can result in economic growth, innovation, and personal satisfaction.

People Also Ask:

  1. How long does it take to obtain a Canadian visa from Pakistan in 2023?

    On Friday, Canadian Minister of Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Sean Fraser announced a reduction in the processing time for the issuance of visit visas to Pakistani applicants. Mr. Fraser stated that visa applications for Pakistan would be processed in 60 days as opposed to 802 days.

  2. What is Canada’s new course for 2023?

    The plan for 2023–2025 embraces immigration as a strategy to assist businesses in locating employees. In addition, it seeks to attract the talent needed to staff vital industries such as health care, specialized trades, manufacturing, and technology. This will aid in managing the social and economic challenges Canada will face in the coming decades.

  3. What is the rate of visa rejection for Canadian students in 2023?

    These students must register for a student visa in order to study at these Canadian educational institutions. However, Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) reject roughly 30 percent of the annual student visa applications it receives.

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