Research Fellowship Hike Updates 2023

Research Fellowship Hike Updates 2023 – Fully Explained

Research Fellowship Hike Updates 2023: Research Fellowship Increase Updates: DST Secretary Meets with the All India Research Scholars Association: Requests and Assertions Regarding Research Fellowships
In a recent development, representatives of the All India Research Scholars Association (AIRSA) met with the Secretary of the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Mr. S. R. Varic, as well as other high-ranking officials, including Mr. Akhilesh Gupta, to discuss a number of vital issues pertaining to research fellowships. The meeting centered on addressing the concerns of aspiring researchers and current research associates, emphasizing the need for an increase in fellowship amounts, prompt disbursement of funds, measures to combat the harassment Ph.D. scholars face, and the revision of non-NET fellowships. The DST affirmed its intention to consider these requests and reassured the research community.

Increase in Fellowship and Effective Date:

During the meeting, AIRSA representatives advocated for a significant increase in the number of research fellowships. They urged the DST to increase the present level of the fellowship by 60%. Recognizing the importance of this request, the AIRSA proposed that the increase take effect on January 1, 2023. By increasing the fellowship amount, prospective and current researchers would be better able to meet their financial obligations and devote more time to their research endeavors.

Regular Disbursement of Fellowship:

Another major concern raised by the AIRSA was the irregular distribution of funds for research fellowships. It has been observed that timely disbursement of fellowship funds plays a crucial role in facilitating scholars’ research endeavors. Delays in obtaining fellowship funds can cause unnecessary financial strain and impede research progress. Representatives emphasized the significance of establishing a system that ensures the regular and timely disbursement of fellowship funds, allowing researchers to focus on their academic pursuits without fretting about financial insecurity.

Addressing Ph.D. Scholar Harassment:

During the meeting, the issue of harassment encountered by Ph.D. candidates was also brought up. AIRSA representatives emphasized the need for effective mechanisms and policies to combat this pervasive issue. Harassment, whether psychological or related to power dynamics, can negatively affect the health and productivity of research scholars. The AIRSA called for the implementation of proactive measures to foster the growth and development of research scholars, by creating a safe and conducive environment.

Revision of Non-NET Fellowships:

In addition, AIRSA representatives raised concerns regarding the revision of fellowships not requiring the National Eligibility Test (NET). They emphasized the need to reevaluate and update the criteria and benefits associated with fellowships that do not involve NETs. These fellowships play an important role in assisting academicians who did not pass the NET examination but have commendable research abilities. The AIRSA emphasized the importance of revising the existing policies to ensure equal opportunities for all qualified candidates.

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Assurances from DST:

In response to AIRSA’s demands, the Secretary of DST, Mr. S. R. Varic, and other high-ranking officials, including Mr. Akhilesh Gupta, assured the AIRSA representatives that their concerns would be carefully considered. The DST committed to addressing the concerns voiced and promised to provide updates within three weeks regarding the proposed increase in fellowship amounts. This assurance demonstrates the significance placed on the research community and their well-being, as well as the recognition of their indispensable role in the advancement of scientific knowledge and innovation.
The recent meeting between the All India Research Scholars Association (AIRSA) and Department of Science and Technology (DST) officials has cast light on the concerns of aspiring researchers and current research fellows. During the meeting, the demand for a 60% increase in fellowship amounts, the regular distribution of funds, measures to combat Ph.D. scholar harassment, and the revision of non-NET fellowships were highlighted. The Secretary of DST and other officials acknowledged these issues.

People Also Ask:

  1. What is the SRF allocation for 2023?

    STIPEND. A science, engineering, medical, pharmaceutical, or veterinary SRF-DIRECT is entitled to a monthly stipend of Rs. 35,000 for the duration of the fellowship.

  2. Increase in Ph.D. stipends in India in 2023?

    They are still anticipating a response from the Department of Science and Technology three months into 2023. The government increases stipends for research scholars; students find this unacceptable. The Junior Research Fellowship was increased to 31,000 per person, an approximately 20% increase from the previous 25,000.

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