Caregiver Jobs in Germany

Caregiver Jobs in Germany with Visa Sponsorship

If you’re looking for unskilled jobs in Germany that don’t require a lot of experience or schooling (but do require basic German language skills), caregiver jobs in Germany are your best bet. In Germany, the sky is the limit for caregivers because there aren’t enough people working in health care. This has been the case since the Covid era.

Germany has a huge labor shortage. Leading research groups have found that the country’s economy needs 400,000 net working immigrants each year to keep growing and protect the German welfare system. On the hit list are jobs in healthcare and STEM fields.

If you start as a caregiver, you can move on to many other jobs in the healthcare field, such as nurse, occupational therapist, and so on. Germany needs more and more Health Care Workers because its people are getting older quickly. This is the complete guide to Caregiver Jobs in Germany with Visa Sponsorship 2024 for Foreigners (No Experience Required). Read it if you are a loving and compassionate person or want to work in Germany’s high-potential healthcare sector.

Details of Caregiver Jobs in Germany with Visa Sponsorship

  • Job title: Caregiver/ Day carer/ Healthcare Worker/ Nurse/ Support Worker
  • Country: Germany
  • Job Nature: Part-time and Full Time
  • Working hours: 6-12 hours per day
  • Work settings: Assisted living facility
  • Target Audience: Physically and Mentally Disabled, Children, Patients, Old People
  • Expected salary: €13-€16 per hour
  • Who can apply: m/f/d
  • Free food: No
  • Free Accommodation: No, but help is provided for acquiring the one
  • Free Transportation: No
  • Free Medical Insurance: Yes
  • Visa Sponsorship available: Yes
  • English/ non-German Speakers accepted: Yes


  • You must have completed high school, and you should get more schooling if you can.
  • Candidates without experience are welcome, but those with at least one year of experience are highly preferred.
  • Learning how to do CPR.
  • A polite and professional attitude.
  • The ability and willingness to work nights when needed.
  • Because regular night shifts could be called in at any time, it’s important to have a positive, flexible attitude.
  • As proof that you were vaccinated against Covid-19.
  • All the standards and paperwork needed for the type of German work visa that is being applied for.

What Documents Do I Need to Apply for Caregiver Jobs in Germany with Visa Sponsorship

  • Your passport.
  • Photos the size of a passport. They have to follow the rules for ICAO card photos.
    The form you need to fill out to get a residence permit. In English: Request for the issuance of a residence permit.
    A Statement About the Employment Relationship. This is called the Erklarung zum Beschaftigungsverhaltnis, and your boss needs to fill it out.
    The job offer or contract you have. It needs to list your job title, how long you’ve been working there, and how much you get paid.
    The Registration Certificate (Meldebescheinigung).
    The rental agreement and a letter from your owner confirming that you live there.
    Your high school or college diploma. The first copy.
    Insurance for health Display Proof
  • CV/ Resume
  • Cover Letter
  • Bank Statement

Responsibilities of a Caregiver

  • The goal is to help doctors and hospital workers understand the unique needs of each elderly patient or resident and provide person-centered care.
  • Helping the elderly citizens with daily tasks like bathing, taking medicine, eating, drinking, changing clothes, and so on.
  • Helping or letting the elderly people take care of their own hygiene, self-care, and appearance while respecting their dignity.
  • setting up social and physical events for them and helping them take part.
  • You can do physical treatment or a short workout like walking. And the same goes for any other social or pleasure activity, like going to the park or a close relative’s house in a wheelchair.
  • Keeping up a good level of contact with the families of residents.
  • Making sure that the health and safety standards in the house are met.
  • All the tasks that the nurses and managers asked of you.
  • As part of your job duties, you must evaluate and initiate care for the elderly.
  • Make plans for senior care and keep them up to date to reflect changing needs.
  • Try to follow the rules for clinical quality compliance
  • Work together with people from different fields on a multidisciplinary team to provide the best care possible.

Read Also: Urgent Jobs In Germany For English Speakers 2024 – Apply Now

Average Salary of a Caregiver in Germany

Taking care of someone costs €34,863 a year or €17 an hour in Germany. A caregiver makes an average of €26,566 to €40,476 a year. In general, a high school diploma is the most schooling a caregiver needs. This analysis of pay is based on salary survey data from the ERI that was taken directly from employers and anonymous workers in Germany.

Benefits of Caregiver Jobs in Germany

  • High Wages
  • Many job openings are available all over Germany because there aren’t enough workers.
    The best way for women to get jobs is to become caregivers in Germany.
    When it comes to unskilled jobs in Germany that can sponsor a visa in 2024, caregiver jobs pay the most.
    Assisting people in need can help you get into nursing, social work, physical therapy, and other health-related fields.
    There are many places where caregivers can work, such as private homes, assisted living facilities, nursing homes, hospices, and healthcare companies. That way, they don’t have to work in a dull office from 9 to 5.
    Rising life expectancy and an aging population have made the need for nurses grow. Because of this desire, there will always be jobs available in Germany.
    Many companies offer free housing, especially for people who need care 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
    You can work as a caregiver for someone else or for a healthcare agency.

Caregiver Jobs in Germany with Visa Sponsorship 2024 for Foreigners

Caregiver Job with Visa Sponsorship, Free Food, Accommodation, and No Experience

  • Berlin in Germany.
  • Arena wants people who can care for others to work abroad.
  • There are many changes in the arena. Pay between 1,200 and 3,300 EUR net You can send your resume to or call us on Viber or WhatsApp at +421 918 856 707.
  • Free food, a place to stay, and help with paperwork
  • Click Here to Apply

Elderly & Senior Care Jobs in Germany

  • Karlsruhe, United States
  • €17 an hour full-time and full-time
  • This is what the boss said: “Hello, my name is James and I’m 33 years old. I need a personal helper or caregiver. You can learn a lot from me because I’m smart and fun. I got my bachelor’s and master’s degrees in economics from Cambridge University. I’ve been to more than 40 places and worked in investment banking and fund management in London and New York for many years. Personal assistant and care work are normal parts of the job. They also drive me to meetings and travel with me.
  • Click Here to Apply

Nanny and Caregiver Jobs in Germany 

  • German town Hosbach
  • We need a permanent full-time job that pays €500 a month.
  • A caretaker for twins who are 5 years old is needed.
  • Aschaffenburg is a place that is close to Frankfurt and has a lot of fun things to do.0
  • You can rent a room or an entire apartment.
  • Click Here to Apply


Caregiver jobs in Germany are a good option for people who want to work and get a visa sponsored. The country has a big problem with a lack of workers, and nurse jobs are one way for foreigners to help out in the healthcare field. Helping older people with daily tasks, planning social and physical activities, and making sure health and safety standards are met are all part of the job. Caregivers can expect to make good money, have the chance to move up in their careers, and get perks like free health insurance. Many job openings are available all over Germany, so you can choose where and how you work. Job seekers can look for caregiver jobs on websites and through staffing agencies, highlighting their caring nature and desire to help others.

People Also Ask

  1. What are the requirements for caregiver jobs in Germany?

    To get a job as a caregiver in Germany, you need to have finished high school, know basic German, have CPR training, be polite and professional, be ready to work night shifts, and show proof that you have been vaccinated against COVID-19. It is helpful to have experience caring for others, but it’s not necessary.

  2. What is the average salary of a caregiver in Germany?

    In Germany, the average pay for a caregiver is between €26,566 and €40,476 per year. This depends on their experience, where they work, and their employer. Most caregivers make between €13 and €16 an hour, and they can get paid extra for working extra hours.

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